Twitter Chatter: Google Quality Score Video
A must-see video explaining how quality score works.
Secret Truth Series #15: Bid Lipstick on a Keyword Pig
Are you keywords “bid-ready?” Stop bidding on keywords that don’t deserve to be bid on. The twenty percent solution will get your keywords bid-ready for the best results.
Secret Truth Series #14: Ego Bidding & Keyword Rehab
Are you too emotionally involved with your keywords? Learn these 3 steps to put more logic into creating a more profitable campaign.
Quality Score Questions & Answers
If you missed Bryan Eisenberg’s Quality Score Webinar, here are a few of the questions and answers that were asked by participants. It seems there is never a shortage of questions as internet marketers try to understand what makes up their quality score.
Secret Truth Series #8 – Don’t Overuse Broad Match
Match types are deceptively simple controls. They’re relatively easy to understand, and almost everyone takes advantage of their basic capabilities.