Twitter Chatter: Facebook Ad Copy Test

You decide…which ad copy do you think boosted conversion rates by 2666%?
How to Make a Blog Your Social Media Nucleus
Is your blog the center of attention in your social media efforts? Make your blog shine and then use Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and the other social networks to get your blog the star status it deserves.
Facebook Fan Pages: Why It’s Important For Fans to “Like” Your Brand
It’s not just about getting a fan, it’s about making a fan actually like and recommend your brand
3 Ways to Use Facebook Insights to Your Advantage
Short and sweet, but packed with solid starter tips.
Webtrends Announces Facebook Measurement Capabilities
REAL analytics for Facebook
Chances are that six to twelve months ago you “gave in” and added a LinkedIn profile/Facebook page/Yelp entry. You thought it would be good for your business and everyone had been telling you that you “must do it.” At the time it felt a little like the middle school, “to be cool” group mentality, but Hey! What could it hurt? Maybe you kicked it around a little. Had some fun watching your fans go from two to twenty in a week. Some old college buddies even found your profile and connected to you.
And then the honeymoon was over. Now what? I have to wake up every morning with this page staring at me and wondering when I’m going to update it? Cripes, it’s not like real life isn’t keeping you busy enough—now there’s this albatross hanging around your neck. Maybe if you just ignore it . . .
This week I’m telling you to use it or lose it. Seriously. The first mistake you made was starting something that you did not entirely buy into. Don’t begin a social media campaign unless you are fully informed and willing to commit to it.
The second mistake was believing that all social media outlets are equal. They are not and, just like the Grail Knight said, you must “choose wisely.” My wife is in charge of her group’s Facebook page and updates it every few days, but she won’t touch Twitter. That’s not to say that they don’t have a presence there—it’s just that someone else in the group handles that outlet.
This leads to the third mistake: don’t take it all on yourself. If you’re busy with operations or cold calling or the financial reports, assign the social media campaigns to someone who finds it fun and is always thinking of the next post.
If this has convinced you that social media is not valuable to your business right now, then go remove your page. Allowing it to remain static and untouched for six months makes your company look stale and lazy. If you haven’t updated your LinkedIn profile through two jobs and four volunteer positions, it is a clear sign that you don’t pay particular attention to detail.
However, if you’re ready to engage the public, attract customers, and receive attention, then USE IT. Here are five easy ways to get your social media groove back:
Finally, be sure to measure your results. Did your website traffic increase during the campaign? Did you make new contacts? Was your ROI worth the time and effort spent? Don’t just throw spitballs on the wall and wait for one to stick—be thoughtful and precise in your efforts.
Get out there and Just Use It!
Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages
Don’t let Facebook gloss over some of the best fan insights: take control back!
The Murky Business of Measuring Web Traffic
Who wins bragging rights to be #2 behind Google: Facebook or Yahoo?