Avoiding the Glazed Eyes Syndrome – Writing for Your Website Front Page – Part II

It’s a  fact. There is nothing more appealing to us than to know that we matter to others.  Creative use of web data mining by way of Google Analytics can help you unearth the hidden gold  “in them thar hills”.  The golden nuggets of information that, when used correctly in good content writing, can make your site visitors feel like the King of the Mountain.

When you meet a new person for the first time, do your eyes glaze over and your ears stop hearing them after a while, when all they can do is to go on and on about themselves?  How great their service is, how fantastic their qualifications are… on and on….

You want them to hear about you as well – a give and take of conversation.  Well, it’s exactly the same on-line.  If your Home Page isn’t focused totally on who your site visitor is, what their concerns and needs are, then they will do the on-line equivalent of the “glazed eyes” which is, to click-off your site and go elsewhere – where they are more appreciated and their concerns heard.

Use of  Google Analytics,  either on your own, or by using a web analytics consulting company,  can make the task of finding out what is going on with your site visitors so much easier.  Why  keep digging in soil that has no vein of gold? When just a few feet away the proverbial Mother Lode may be waiting for you.  Discovery may be as simple as website analysis.

In order to provide your on-line visitor with an experience that makes them feel heard and appreciated, you need to clearly understand who your visitor is – the whole demographic package.  Once you have this crucial piece of information you can use that as the foundation for your writing.

Your writing will be totally different if your primary audience is 20 years old, male and going to college verses 45 years old, female and working in a corporate job.

Until next time, Happy Data Mining

Suzanne Elliott
Website Content Copy Writer

Web Analytics Education: Date Range Selection

We created a series to teach you about the best free tool (and in my opinion the best tool, period) for web analytics: Google Analytics.

We opened the series with a short intro to Dimensions and Metrics, today we are showing you how to change the date, select days, weeks, or entire months. How to create a comparison between two ranges and the often unseen graphical date selector. Read More about Web Analytics Education: Date Range Selection

Your Front Page – It’s Not About You…

One of the most important things you can do to improve the content of your Front Page, in addition to use of Web Analytics,  is to ask yourself this question.   “Does this page address the concerns and needs of my site visitor?” – Will your site visitor immediately feel a connection and want to keep reading your content – and then take the next step, which is to be interested enough in your site to stay and check out some more information – maybe even sign up for your ezine or special offer… Read More about Your Front Page – It’s Not About You…

Web Analytics Education: Dimensions and Metrics

Web Intelligence is all about using web analytics to measure your presence on the web.

We are creating a series to teach you about the best free tool (and in my opinion the best tool, period) for web analytics: Google Analytics.

The series will be presented in small bite sized episodes, available in a presentation and video format, that you should be able to enjoy without needing any anti-acid medication.

Today’s episode is about Dimensions and Metrics. We aren’t talking about the metric system or about the third dimension. In this one minute presentation (5 slides total) we are defining those for you. Read More about Web Analytics Education: Dimensions and Metrics

Web Intelligence Details: Your Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

If you’re new to web intelligence and struggling to gather data, how do you know if your efforts are really paying off? Well, there are these wonderful things called “benchmarks” and KPI, and this is where they come into play.

What is a KPI?

Not to be confused with SEO’s KEI (Keyword Effective Index), KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. As Avinash Kaushik would say, KPIs are measures that help you understand how you are performing against your objectives. They can help you define and evaluate whether you’re making adequate, successful progress towards your long-term goals.

    KPI's as explained by Avinash KaushikA good KPI used to measure performance should meet the following criteria:

  1. Uncomplex
  2. Relevant
  3. Timely
  4. Instantly useful

Read More about Web Intelligence Details: Your Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Website Audit – The “Dreaded” IRS of the Internet

Architecture audit for a website audit reveals issuesWebsite audit” – It sounds like something you wouldn’t want to happen to you, much like the IRS. However, a website audit–unlike the IRS knocking on your door–is definitely a good thing. Not only will it help you define a direction, but it can also help you discover any problems the current site is having.

When and why a website audit is valuable:

  • Preparing to redesign your website
  • Understanding your current website’s effectiveness
  • Planning your strategic growth
  • Uncovering hidden issues preventing you from accomplishing your goals

Read More about Website Audit – The “Dreaded” IRS of the Internet